Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Gift of Grace

Let me begin by saying that I'm so excited to take part in this blog. Thanks Damany for the invite. 

Grace is something that has wowed me for quite some time now. It's one of the most beautiful manifestations of the love God that I've experienced. For so long, it was just another one of those words learned in church that lacked reality. In fact, it seemed to me to be kind of a wimpy word. You know what I mean? It was always one of those "I feel sorry for you so here you go" words. It's meaning, to me, lacked soul, compassion, and emotion. It would be like someone saw me drowning, threw me a life jacket, and then after rescuing me, let out the biggest exhale as if to say "that was more work than necessary but, whatever." I think you get what I mean. I'm not sure why I had that image of grace in my mind but there it was. But needless to say, a day came when light begin to pierce this dark, gross concept I had of this most beautiful gift and for that day, I'm thankful.
So I thought I would begin my contribution to this blog by sharing a few of my thoughts on grace. And if I'm not mistaken, no one likes to read a long blog so this just may have to come in a few parts. I've come to see grace as a gift from God. And this particular gift speaks more of the giver than the receiver. I mean we really were not fit to receive any type of gift whatsoever. And most people think that even where a gift is concerned, something should be done to receive the gift. You know this by hearing people say things like "You shouldn't have" or "what did I do to deserve this?" Well, if you did something to deserve the gift then it wouldn't be a gift. It would simply be a reward. That's not what grace is. It definitely is a gift. 
Grace is this amazing expression of the unconditional love of a Father who wanted to gift us with a way of escape. And this way of escape isn't just a one time occurrence. This gift of grace is constant yet new each day. It accompanies us through out our day. It causes things to happen to us that we never deserve. In fact, we deserve the very opposite of what we have. In our English language, a word that better describes grace is the word favor. It's defined as an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual. That's what this gift is. It's God showering us with unusual goodness. Not because we deserve it. But because He is so very good and so very kind. 
I think that's enough to start out this wonderful discussion and discovery of this most beautiful gift. Let's get into it more a little later and see where it takes us. I promise to not be all teacher guy all the time. But I'm really passionate about helping others walk in the fullness of this expression of love. So bear with me. And the good thing about this blog is that their are other writers you might connect with more. So there you have it. I'll just be me. A guy in love with Grace. 


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