I've been struggling all day with this whole idea of finding God and subsequently Grace in the common places of our lives. And to be frank, I'm still struggling. I can't promise that any necessary conclusion will emerge at the end of this one, perhaps just more frustrated questions.
So, yeah. In case you don't know, the past 4 years for me have been one big struggle. At the beginning I thought I was taking steps (sometimes seemingly drastic) that were in line with what God wanted me to do with my life, even if I didn't always see how one led to that as yet undefined purpose. I made bold leaps of faith and just stuck to my guns, knowing God would meet me on the other side of the leap. The answered prayers/desire to know purpose would be my proverbial pot of gold at the end of an occasionally muted technicolor rainbow. But I'm not so sure anymore. Is it possible to have consistently missed purpose by accident? Is it reasonable to believe that even in my attempts to do right, I have veered so drastically off course that my purpose lays at the (metaphorical) place where I first started to turn? Many times I have said to others that God's grace is big enough to cover our successes and the failures we pursued because we believed they would lead us to future successes (circular logic anyone).
I have to hope that's true. Because all around me, I see successes and destinies unfolding before people that I have eaten with, laughed with, cried with, fought with, and joked with- but not yet for me. I'm not sure if I'm necessarily waiting for an "aha!" moment, when everything falls neatly into place, but at least a gentle dawning or an "ahhh..." would be nice right about now. I'd at least like to see tomorrow coming, instead of the seemingly interminable cycle of sameness that is my ever present today. So, what's my conclusion? I guess it's just to keep hoping because right about now that's all I have left. Hope in a future, hope in an established end, hope that "He who began a good work in me," really does have an established end...somewhere. Soon.
Pursue. Original.
8 years ago
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